Environmental management
The care of the Environment is one of the most important factors in the modern mining activity. At Sociedad Minera Austria Duvaz, we are aware of the importance of preserving the environment in which our activities are developed; For this reason our efforts are oriented towards achieving an adequate social and environmental performance, applying solutions that generate favorable conditions for the development of our operations, in harmony with the environment, in compliance with environmental regulations and promoting the participation of the population of our area Of social influence.
In compliance with our safety, occupational health and environmental policy, we are working on a prevention approach to environmental impacts, one of the operational tools being the Environmental Management System, which we have been strengthening in recent years.

Environmental Management Tools
The 2016 approved the Modification of the Study of Environmental Impact of the U.M. Austria Duvaz. This Environmental Management Instrument (IGA) allowed us to update the environmental and social baseline of the area of influence of our operations. We also undertake a series of environmental commitments aimed at preventing, controlling and mitigating the environmental impacts of our operations, updating and rethinking environmental measures in accordance with the dynamics of operations and in search of continuous improvement.

Austria Duvaz has been carrying out the Modification of the Closing Mine Plan, an environmental management tool that allows the necessary guidelines for operations to be carried out in accordance with the measures to be adopted for closure. Mine closure, including environmental rehabilitation, and post-closure maintenance and monitoring, should also consider the post-mining economic aspect.
Among other IGA with Austria Duvaz we have the Environmental Liabilities Closing Plan and the Sustaining Technical Reports.
Water Management
In Austria Duvaz we are committed to the responsible use of water resources. Therefore, we comply with water quality standards. We have the authorizations of use of water granted by the corresponding authorities. We also promote water reuse initiatives to minimize the consumption of fresh water. According to established guidelines, good practices are applied in the use of water, such as:
- Recirculation of the decanted water and sub-drainage water from the tailings dam to the Concentrator Plant, for use in the metallurgical process.
- Zero vertimientos to the environment, of the waters coming from the Plant Concentrator and dam of tailings.
- The mine waters are derived to the Kingsmill tunnel, whose treatment is carried out in the Acid Water Treatment Plant of Minera Chinalco Peru, with whom there is an agreement.
- Awareness of good practices in water consumption.
- Permanent monitoring of water quality.

Environmental watching and monitoring
Environmental monitoring is aimed at monitoring the quality of water, air, noise, soils, flora and fauna over time as indicators of the state of the environment in the area of influence of mining operations. For this reason, environmental monitoring is developed, such as:
- Monitoring of environmental quality of surface and groundwater
- Air quality monitoring
- Monitoring of ambient noise quality
- Soil quality monitoring
- Biological monitoring
- Hydrobiological monitoring
- Monitoring of water for human consumption
The evaluation and analysis of the information obtained in the monitoring allows to implement, if necessary, preventive and / or corrective measures. For this reason, environmental monitoring serves as a management tool that feeds back to the Prevention and Mitigation Plan, so that environmental impacts are mitigated or eliminated.

Solid Waste Management
Framed in environmental regulations and according to our policy, the management of solid waste is done without affecting the environment or public health. Therefore, control actions - mainly in the sending sources - and actions to minimize the generation of waste are carried out. The principles guiding this integral and sustainable management of solid waste are:
Compliance with regulations, such as Law No. 27314, General Law on Solid Waste and its Regulations, mainly framed in the processes of minimization at source, re-use, recycling and correct final disposal. The management of waste has been adapted to the new Legislative Decree No. 1278, Law on Integral Management of Solid Waste.
Involvement of all employees of Austria Duvaz, as well as its strategic partners in the management of solid waste.
Interrelation of the elements of the waste chain (generation, segregation, collection, transport, storage, treatment and final disposal).
Closing of Mines
The Closing of Mines has as main objective that the areas used by the operation are compatible with a healthy environment and suitable for the development of life. In Austria Duvaz, we seek to ensure that mine closures are safe, comply with environmental regulations, minimize long-term impacts and consider the contributions of those involved.
The mine closure plan is dynamic; In this sense, the Modification of the Mine Closure Plan has been carried out, identifying technical alternatives for improvement to ensure adequate closure and safeguarding the environment.
Austria Duvaz annually issues a letter of guarantee as a guarantee for compliance with the Mine Closure Plan.